As the Realme GT 5 Pro’s replacement, the Realme GT 7 Pro is expected to debut in India later this year. The smartphone’s launch date and any other information about it have not yet been disclosed by the firm. But recently, important details about the impending phone have appeared online. It is anticipated to be among the first smartphones to be released using the upcoming Snapdragon chipset from Qualcomm. The Realme GT 7 Pro’s fingerprint sensor and camera features have now been alluded to by a tipster.
Specifications of the Realme GT 7 Pro (anticipated) According to a tipster named Smart Pikachu, the Realme GT 7 Pro might have a periscope telephoto camera, which is anticipated to have a high optical zoom capability. He continued by saying that an ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor is probably going to be included in the next smartphone as security feature. When compared to optical scanners, this is said to provide fingerprint readings that are more accurate. In the past, it was predicted that Qualcomm’s undisclosed Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 SoC will power the Realme GT 7 Pro at launch. October of this year is when the chipset is anticipated to be revealed.
The first phones with this chipset to be released in China are anticipated to be the Xiaomi 15 and Xiaomi 15 Pro. The Realme smartphone might be the first to use this SoC in international markets outside of China, even if it might not be the first to debut with it in China.